February 25, 2022 6:28 pm



It's 2 pm and you're just getting started on the work you should have finished hours ago. You feel like a failure because you know that if you had only started earlier, you would have been done by now. Sound familiar?

Chances are, if you're reading this, then procrastination is something that plagues you on a regular basis. And it's not just limited to work - maybe you put off studying for exams until the night before or avoid cleaning your house altogether.

Procrastination can be a huge obstacle in achieving our goals, but luckily there are ways to overcome it! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for getting motivated, beating procrastination, and increasing your productivity!

Things You May Tell Yourself When Procratinating

  • "I'll do it later." -- This is probably one of the worst things you can say to yourself. It's a form of self-sabotage that can quickly lead to a spiraling pattern of procrastination.
  • "I don't have time." -- This is another common excuse, but it's simply not true. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, it's just a matter of how we choose to use them.
  • "I'm just not in the mood." -- Again, this is a perfectly normal feeling. But it's important to try and push through it so you can get started on your task. The more you do it, the easier it will become!
  • "I don't know where to start." -- This is a common problem for many people, especially when it comes to big projects. But if you break the project down into smaller tasks, it becomes easier to get started. You can also try brainstorming ideas and coming up with a plan of action.
  • "I'm not good at this." -- This is another common fear that people have when it comes to pursuing their goals. But remember, everyone has to start somewhere! And you can always improve your skills by practicing and learning from others.
  • "It's too hard." -- Again, this is a common fear that people have. But if you break the task down into smaller steps, it will become much easier to accomplish. And even if you still find it difficult, remember that the more you practice, the easier it will become.
  • "I'm too busy." -- This is a common excuse that people use to avoid taking on new tasks or responsibilities. But if you take a closer look at your schedule, you might be surprised to find that you actually have more time than you think. It's all about priorities and how we choose to use our time.
  • "I don't deserve it." -- This is a common form of self-doubt that can hold us back from achieving our goals. But remember, you deserve to achieve your goals just as much as anyone else! You have just as much potential and the only thing that's holding you back is yourself.
  • "I'll do it tomorrow." -- How many times have you told yourself this? We often procrastinate because we think we have more time than we actually do. Having a deadline will help you to stay on track and motivated to complete the task at hand.
  • "It's not that important." -- This is another common excuse that people use to avoid doing a task. But if it's important enough for you to want to achieve your goal, then it's important enough to deserve your time and effort!
  • "I can't." -- This is a form of self-doubt that can hold us back from achieving our goals. But remember, you can achieve anything you set your mind to! Just take it one step at a time and don't give up.
  • "I'm not good enough." -- This is another form of self-doubt that can hold us back from achieving our goals. But remember, you are capable of anything you put your mind to! You just have to believe in yourself and stay motivated.
  • "I'm too old." -- This is a common misconception that people have about themselves. Age is just a number and it's never too late to pursue your dreams and goals.
  • "This isn't worth it." -- This is another form of self-doubt that can hold us back from achieving our goals. But remember, if it's important to you, then it's worth fighting for! And the harder it is, the more rewarding it will be when you finally achieve your goal.

If these are the types of things that you have said to yourself then the following tips may help you push past that little voice in your head and increase your productivity!

1. Figure out what is causing you to procrastinate.

This is the first and most important step in overcoming procrastination. Are you avoiding a task because it's difficult or challenging? Or are you simply not interested in the task at hand? Once you know what is causing your procrastination, you can begin to address the issue.

If you're procrastinating because a task is difficult, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, if you're studying for a final exam, break the material down into smaller sections and focus on one section at a time. You can also try setting a timer for a specific amount of time and working on the task until the timer goes off.

2. Set realistic goals and deadlines for yourself.

If you're constantly putting off a task because you don't think you have enough time to complete it, then it's time to re-evaluate your goal. Try setting a more realistic deadline for yourself, or breaking the goal down into smaller goals that you can accomplish over time.

It's also important to remember that not every goal needs to be completed in a short period of time. If you're working on a long-term goal, it's okay to give yourself some slack and allow for occasional setbacks. Just make sure that you don't let these setbacks become an excuse to stop working altogether!

3. Create a to-do list and stick to it.

A to-do list is a great way to keep track of the tasks that need to be completed. It can also help you to stay organized and motivated, especially when you can see everything that needs to be done in one place.

When creating your list, try prioritizing the most important tasks at the top. This will help you to stay focused and motivated as you work through the list.

It's also important to allow for some flexibility, especially if unexpected tasks come up. If something urgent comes up, don't be afraid to move it to the top of your list!

4. Take breaks when needed, but make sure they are short and productive.

Working for hours on end without taking a break can actually lead to decreased productivity. This is because we tend to lose focus and become less efficient when we're tired.

It's important to take breaks when needed, but make sure they are short and productive. For example, you can try going for a quick walk or listening to music that helps you to stay focused.

5. Remove distractions from your environment.

One of the biggest obstacles to productivity is distractions. This is because it takes time and effort to get back into the groove after being interrupted.

It's important to remove distractions from your environment so you can focus on the task at hand. This might mean turning off your phone, closing all of your tabs, or working in a quiet room.

6. Find a productive way to deal with stress.

Stress is a common trigger for procrastination. This is because it can lead to anxiety and make it difficult to focus on our tasks.

It's important to find a productive way to deal with stress so it doesn't affect our productivity. This might mean taking breaks, practicing relaxation techniques, or talking to someone about what's causing you stress.

7. Stay positive and motivated, even when things get tough.

Pursuing our goals can be difficult and there will be times when we feel like giving up. But it's important to stay positive and motivated, even when things get tough. This is because our attitude and outlook play a big role in our success.

Some ways to stay positive and motivated include setting realistic goals, making a plan of action, and taking small steps. Remember, you can achieve anything you set your mind to! Just don't give up and keep pursuing your dreams!

8. Reward yourself for completing tasks and reaching milestones.

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to reward yourself for completing tasks and reaching milestones. This might mean taking a break, treating yourself to your favorite food or drink, or doing something that you enjoy.

The key is to find a rewards system that works for you and helps you to stay focused on your goals.


You don't have to listen to that little voice in your head. There are positive steps you can take, like making a plan for how YOU want things around here! You're the boss - so do something proactive instead of reactive. You can break procrastination and increase productivity! Just remember to take it one step at a time and be patient with yourself. And if you find yourself struggling, don't hesitate to reach out for help. There are many resources available that can help you in your journey to overcome procrastination.

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the biggest problems we face in pursuit of our goals is a lack of motivation and drive in the early stages when we're just beginning to set out. We can start by simply scheduling appointments and prioritizing our time & effort. We might put off our tasks until "someday" because it doesn't appear on our calendar. But if we want to achieve our goals, someday has to be today.

Procrastination can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed, which can then lead to lower quality work. This is because when we procrastinate, we often try to do too many things at once or take on more than we can handle. This can lead to rushed work and subpar results.

There can be many different reasons why someone procrastinates. It might be because they're afraid of failure, or they don't know how to start the task. They may also feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. In some cases, people might procrastinate because they enjoy the feeling of being productive at the last minute.

There are a few things that can help us increase our motivation. We can start by setting realistic goals and timelines for ourselves. We can also find a role model or mentor who can help us stay on track. And finally, we can reward ourselves for our accomplishments, no matter how small they might be. This will help us to see that our hard work is paying off.