March 19, 2022 3:00 am


Making the switch to living more naturally can be a daunting task. There are so many things to consider, and it’s easy to make mistakes. In this post, we will discuss five of the most common mistakes people make when trying to live more holistically. Don’t worry – they are all easy to fix!

Trying to do it all

Trying to do it all is a frequent blunder made when attempting to live more naturally. I know it is one that I am guilty of regularly. You can’t “win” at a holistic lifestyle. You don’t need to do everything perfectly 100 percent of the time, and you don’t have to devote your entire time and energy to it. This will overwhelm you and cause you to give up. Living more naturally is about making small, sustainable changes that you can stick with.

  • Pick one thing in your morning routine to change.
  • Now select one thing in your evening routine to change.

That is all that you need to change your first week, first month, however long that you need. Start making small changes until they become habit, and then move on to another area of your life. This way you will make progress without feeling overwhelmed.

Not Planning Ahead

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success is to plan ahead. This means having a general idea of what you want to accomplish and when you want to do it. Trying to wing it or going with the flow when it comes to living more naturally is a recipe for disaster. You’re much more likely to make mistakes and give up if you don’t have a plan.


– Make a list of goals you want to accomplish.

– Break down those goals into small, manageable steps.

– Create a timeline for yourself and make sure to include some wiggle room.

Planning Ahead

Not Making Consistent Change

It really is better to start slow with your new natural lifestyle, and work on changing small things, one at a time. Don’t attempt to change everything at once, but work on more of a consistent change. This allows you to take small steps that don’t completely change your life rapidly and make you feel like you can’t keep up. Choose one thing at a time, like buying organic produce or switching out your skincare products for more natural ones, then change the next thing when you feel ready.

Finally, I know that in the previous section, I suggested that you make only two minor adjustments for as long as it takes to complete. However, we all know that if you want this to happen, progress must be made on a regular basis. Take how long it takes to create a habit and achieve genuine change in your life but don’t forget to be consistent.

Failing to do Proper Research

One of the best ways to learn about how to live more naturally is by doing your research. This means reading books, articles, and blogs on the topic. There is a lot of information out there, and it’s important to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible before making any changes.

You may not be aware of other errors you’re making if you don’t spend some time planning, researching, and educating yourself on a holistic, long-term lifestyle. Make sure you know what natural means, what organic entails, what you can recycle, and so on. There’s a lot to learn about living more sustainably and waste reduction.

Forgetting About the Small Things

Living more simplistic and natural is not complicated and doesn’t have to be expensive. Don’t spend your entire budget on pricey essential oils and organic food. This is a common mistake that often leads to people giving up, because they think they can’t afford it. But there are many ways to cut costs and not make it so complicated for your family just to live a natural lifestyle.

There are many small things you can do every day to reduce your waste and live more naturally without having to spend a fortune. Bring your own water bottle, coffee mug, and utensils with you when you go out; use natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda; compost food scraps; switch to LED light bulbs. These are all easy changes that make a big difference in the long run.

Making these five simple mistakes can easily derail your efforts to live more naturally, but don’t worry – they are all easy to correct! Just take things one step at a time, do your research, and be patient with yourself. Living more holistically is a journey, not a destination. Relax and enjoy the ride!

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